Natural Nutrition - Caring for Stock Naturally

Premium Equine Stock Feed - Rein


Rein has been formulated to assist in meeting the nutrient requirements of horses and ponies with light to moderate levels of work. Providing a combination of micronised barley, maize and lupins, whole oats, molasses, lucerne and oaten chaff, it delivers a great combination of digestible carbohydrates, protein and fibre sources to aid increased performance.

Buy Rein Muesli

Natural Nutrition Equine Brochure | Caring For Horses Naturally
Premium Equine Stock Feed - Unbridled


High performance equines have increased nutrient demands, meaning that we need to pay greater attention to the way we deliver energy for optimal, sustained blood glucose production. This is necessary to maintain ongoing levels of high activity.

Buy Unbridled Muesli

Natural Nutrition Equine Brochure | Caring For Horses Naturally
Premium Equine Stock Feed - Matriarch


'Matriarch' provides mares with a balanced feed option to meet their unique requirements for lactation and reproductive performance. 'Matriarch' is high in metabolisable protein and carbohydrate fractions essential to initiate and support lactogenesis.

Buy Matriarch Muesli

Natural Nutrition Equine Brochure | Caring For Horses Naturally
Premium Equine Stock Feed - Prolific


Weanlings and yearlings have very specific protein and mineral (amino acid) requirements for muscle and skeletal development. 'Prolific' has been formulated to provide high levels of these essential nutrients that are often limited in forages.

Buy Prolific Muesli

Natural Nutrition Equine Brochure | Caring For Horses Naturally
Premium Equine Stock Feed - Straight Feed Lines



Custom mixes are available on request, please contact us for your specific requirements

Buy Micronised BarleyMicronised Barley
Buy Micronised MaizeMicronised Maize
Buy Micronised LupinsMicronised Lupins

Natural Nutrition Equine Brochure | Caring For Horses Naturally
Premium Calf Stock Feed - Milk+ Calf Meal

'MILK +' Calf Meal

HIGH PROTEIN, HIGH STARCH CONTENT CALF STARTER MEAL specifically formulated to aid all aspects of early rumen development during the milk feeding phase.

Buy 'MILK +' Calf Meal

Premium Calf Stock Feed - Pasture+ Calf Meal

PASTURE +' Calf Meal

AN 18% CRUDE PROTEIN, HIGH STARCH CONTENT CALF MEAL SPECIFICALLY FORMULATED FOR SUSTAINING GROWTH POST WEANING. By the time most calves are reaching 10-12 weeks of age, rearers are ready to show the calves the gate to the paddock for the first time.

Buy 'PASTURE+' Calf Meal